政府为了解决这个困境,又设立了Freddie Mac,允许S&Ls在全国范围内销售住房抵押贷。至此Fannie Mae和Freddie Mac出现了性质上的分化,Fannie Mae属于私人的资产组合管理公司,手头有大量的房屋抵押贷款,而Freddie Mae手中却只有少量抵押贷款,其更多的是做抵押贷款担保业务。 现在来谈抵押担保业务是如何运作的,1968年Ginnie...
Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae to scale back mortgage guarantor businessMadigan, Peter
If you think reform of the mortgage system which includes ridding the world of Fannie (FNMA) and Freddie (FMCC) is likely you might want to considerthis. Fannie Mae said it will make a $10.2 billion dividend payment in September to the U.S. Treasury for its rescue aid. After that payme...
FNMA),英文昵称Fannie MaeFreddie Mac房地美 联邦住宅贷款抵押公司(Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation,FHLMC),常称为Freddie Mac网上有篇,<房利美,吉利美,房地美的前世今生>
另外像美联储和美国财政部等政府组织,房地美和范妮梅(Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae)都在该地区。该项目致力于让学生 …|基于2个网页 3. 两房 ... About 2008」内容十分有趣,譬如有人预测两房(Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae)财务健全、AIG可以获利、Bear Stearn无 … ...
房利美和房地美 美国房地产金融巨头房利美和房地美(Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac)的案例就活生生的证明了国家干涉(盲从式的国家干涉 …|基于13个网页 3. 房利美及房地美 ...前的状况。金融危机使中共政策发生重大的改变,例如资金从投资于房利美及房地美(Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac)转而投 … ...
名字太长念不出来,所以起了两个好念的昵称。先有的Fannie Mae,后有的Freddie Mac,正好一男一女两...
The compromise emerging from the Senate Banking Committee on winding down mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is a "Goldilocks deal," Sen. Bob Corker tells CNBC.
人均利润最高的是Fannie Mae 平均每个员工一年赚到175万美元 虽然它在财富500强里只排第46名 人均利润第三名是Freddie Mac 平均每个员工一年赚到130万美元 虽然它在财富500强里只排第118名 所以你看到了 当年次贷危机的元凶 过得比谁都滋润 已经重新变成了世界上最赚钱的公司之一 ...
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac buy mortgages from lenders to hold or repackage as mortgage-backed securities.