从上图可以看到当抵押利率往上弹时,REIT指数都会修正,反之,如果抵押利率迅速往下走时,REIT指数都会有不错的表现。 可支配所得:Real Disposable Personal Income 当整体劳动人口的收入增加时,表示人民可以运用的钱也增加了,这时可以看可支配所得的年增率,可支配所得的概念为「实际收到的所得」,实务上是由总所得扣...
It’s normal to set budgets in our everyday lives. At the end of the month, when we are paid, we plan out how much money we have to spend on essentials. And then, what is left over is disposable income. It is this cash that we can allocate to various luxuries such as gambling. ...