Two pages earlier,Dr. Hammondis telling Grant, ‘hey, you should come check out the island.’ Two years earlier, Hammond is funding Grant’s research. The year earlier, Hammond’s team asks Grant to write a ‘thought piece’ on how to feed a baby dinosaur. Hammond is a corporate sociop...
On August 2, 1964, the US spy ship USS Maddox sailed in the Gulf of Tonkin only to find itself attacked by North Vietnamese torpedo boats. They fired back, damaging all three ships and forcing the attackers to retreat. On August 4, the USS Maddox and USS Turner Joy detected more torpe...
The digital age and the pandemic changed everything. Now, I could go to YouTube and learn to use the recording studio built into my Apple computer in 10 minutes. The music could be mastered in the extra hours lock down had gifted me. And since streaming audio has no time limitations I ...