Name: ___ Chapter 2: Math Challenge Freckle Juice Math Challenge Reread the following passage from the story. Andrew didn't like the idea of paying Sharon for anything. And fifty cents was a lot of money. It was five whole weeks of allowance! But he decided that if Sharon's recipe did...
Freckle Juiceis a relatable and entertaining chapter book, appropriate for students in grades 1-3. Award winning author Judy Blume, tells a hilarious story about wanting to be different. The main character, Andrew Marcus, will do just about anything to have freckles like his classmate Nicky Lane...
声音(3)评价(0) 正序 | 倒序 3 chapter 3 282021-10 2 chapter 2 72021-10 1 chapter 1 292021-10 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 专辑主播 优优的录音室 2053456 简介:我有四只乌龟,爱动物,还有许多其他水里的动物,有真正的信仰 TA的专辑 更多 FRECKLE JUICE65 Charlotte's Web0 西顿动物故事...
Novel Studies are important in helping the student understand and comprehend what is going on in each chapter of a novel. Students will be able to recall information that they have just read in each chapter of the novel Freckle Juice By: Judy Blume. The questions in this packet are to the...
was created for a whole class or small group study of the book, “Freckle Juice” by Judy Blume. Students can complete this packet in its entirety, or you can pick and choose the activities you want students to complete. You can have students complete this as an independent activity or ...
我是个mc玩家创作的儿童有声书作品Judy Blume Freckle Juice,目前已更新3个声音,收听最新音频章节Chapter 3。注意:JudyBlumeistheauthorname