Not one. For someone with limited time to be creative, that was an astonishing acknowledgement. Working with it was like a breath of fresh air. I wasn't saving every time I changed something for fear of the white screen of death. It worked the way I always hoped that, someday maybe,...
(Someone with sleep apnea may snore loudly and wake up gasping for airmultiple times during the night.) SOUNDWAVE/LOUDNESS Soundwaves are vibrations that travel through a medium (like air) and areperceived as sound. Loudness refers to the amplitude of the soundwave, determining howintense the ...
Re: Schumann freaking out This is not normal! Some signal from space? Or is it 5G? Never saw THIS here!! Quoting: Anonymous Coward 79337758 that pattern means simply the system is DOWN.. can we stop the bullshit now? and the white bars meaning nothing.. increase in lightening or somet...
Ray said that it’s been confirmed that there the virus’s symptoms are on a range of intensity. Symptoms can seem like a cold or feel like pneumonia. What’s not known yet is the virus’s incubation period -- how long for symptoms to show after someone co...
Military historians have, in general, done more than their share of building intellectual bridges with colleagues in other fields. Lots of folks on the other side have reciprocated, but just as often someone will come from the other shore and strap dynamite to the support columns underneath the...
salvia palth "always freaking out": It's a long way to go now See someone else I couldn't tell how to figure out Can't seem to figure o...
after a satirical scene where she dramatically yells to just leave her there and he yells back that he can’t leave someone in crisis (with church-y music playing overtop), he ends up carrying her. And our girl thinks: “Does this mean we’re compatible?” (Hahahaha. I cannot stop lau...
Swinging away from that macro example to a micro one – relationships, be they familial or romantic or platonic – have to offer an opportunity for someone to win. The phrase, “I just can’t win with you,” is a perfect reflection of this. My feeling is, friendships will end fairly ...
Outside of the initial shock at seeing Mickey Mouse in this setting, the predominant reaction to this trailer is almost one of begrudging respect. New Year's Day was barely underway before this game was announced, meaning the developer had clearly been hard at work on the title before the ...
Try this: take one swear word you find particularly distasteful or crude. Now run it through an online translator and see how someone who lives in Paris would say it. My guess is that it won’t offend you at all. Whether I ask you to say “jardin” or “merde”, you’ll say eithe...