Learn about Maxwell Kane from "Freak the Mighty." Discover how tall Max is, analyze his character traits, and examine his relationship with Kevin...
Explore the characters of Grim and Gram in Rodman Philbrick's young adult novel, ''Freak the Mighty.'' In the story, they are the grandparents of Max, the main character who tragically lost his mother, and become his guardians. Max's Relationship With Grim and Gram Max, or Maxwell, li...
Max in Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick | Summary & Analysis from Chapter 2/ Lesson 1 31K Learn about Maxwell Kane from "Freak the Mighty." Discover how tall Max is, analyze his character traits, and examine his relationship with Kevin and Killer Kane. ...
Droppings that often include large amounts ofhair,hooves, andbone fragments. You may even be able to recognize bits of tooth or quills from prey animals. Leopard feces may be conspicuous as they use their scent to advertise far and wide that the area is occupied. 3. Elephant spoor is abou...
you will learn characters in the novel 'Freak the Mighty', which explores the friendship of young boys, one who is diagnosed with Morquio syndrome. The flash card set will provide you with the names of the main characters and help you to identify character traits about each of these characte...
To gain a deeper understanding of this character, read the related lesson called Iggy Lee fromFreak the Mighty. The lesson will help you: Learn who Killer Kane is Know what Iggy does to Kevin when he tries to leave the house Identify the characters who help Max ...