Rule 26 - Duty to Disclose; General Provisions Governing Discovery A party must, without awaiting a discovery request, provide to the other parties - the name and address of each individual likely to have discoverable information. a copy - or a description by category and location - of all ...
to define thescope of discovery."17 Other changes to Rule 26 include: * Rule 26(c)(1)(B) adds "the allo-cation of expenses" for discovery asa permissible topic for a protectiveorder. * Rule 26(d)(2) "is added to allowa party to deliver Rule 34 requeststo another ...
From service or, with Rule 26(d)(2), from the conference fair, A shorter or a longer time, by stipulation or court’s decree, The response, a dance of words, objections and discovery. Each item met with an embrace, or an objection swift and true, Grounds for such, with reasons laid...