这不是科幻小说的情节,而是每年在全球范围内上演的真实故事——FIRST Robotics Competition(FRC)。 今天,让小思给你一篇文章讲清一个青少年科技赛事——FRC。一起往下看吧~FRC简介FRC,一个将激情、智慧和创造力完美结合的国际性高中生机器人比赛,由非营利组织FIRST(For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and T...
The new FIRST Robotics Competition game, Aerial Assist, had a unique scoring system and field that encouraged teams to work closer together than ever before. With this in mind, the AdamBots created “Andromedra”, an accurate, fast design capable of working either with others or on its own...
:video_game: Extensible, JavaScript-based driving dashboard framework for the FIRST Robotics Competition. - FRCDashboard/FRCDashboard
Grapple Robotics MitoCANdria Pololu D36V50F5 Regulator For non-compliant regulators, you'll need to use a USB breakout board like this one that includes onboard sense resistors so that the headset knows that it's connected to a 5V power source. Android Debug Bridge (adb) Installing adb on ...
2015FIRSTRoboticsCompetitionGameManual || Section1–Summary || Page1 ©2015FIRSTALLRIGHTSRESERVED. RECYCLERUSH Summary 1 FIRST ® ,theFIRST ® logo,FIRST ® RoboticsCompetition,FRC ® ,FIRST ® TechChallenge,Coopertition ® ,GraciousProfessionalism ...
If you are new to robotics or new to theFIRSTTech Challenge, then you should consider reviewing theFTC Blocks Tutorialto get familiar with how to use the control system: FTC Blocks Online Tutorial Even if you are an advanced Java programmer, it is helpful to start with theFTC Blocks tutoria...