C. Notes that are added for clarity or explanation for the change but are not retained as part of the manual appear in bold-italic. This is an example. 1.4 Question and Answer System Questions about the Administrative or Game Manuals may be asked to FIRST using the official Question and An...
Adds Driver Station support for Logitech Dual Action and Sony PS5 DualSense gamepads. Thisdoes notinclude support for the Sony PS5 DualSense Edge gamepad. Always refer to Game Manual 1 to determine gamepad legality in competition. Adds support for MJPEG payload streaming to UVC driver (external JP...
Subystem collision avoidance safeties in both automatic and manual modes. Single-button scoring in both the SPEAKER and AMP. Coming soon: AMP alignment path planning. Shooting while moving(?) Improved autonomous tuning Releases2 V1.0.0Latest ...
單詞卡 1 / 29 2017 FRC Game Manual copy 登入註冊顯示提示 Crossing the Baseline 點擊卡片即可翻轉 What is worth 5 match points in the Autonomous Phase
(advanced users) BulkCachingMode.MANUAL: Same as BulkCachingMode.AUTO except the cache is never cleared automatically. To avoid getting stale data, the cache must be manually cleared at the beginning of each loop body or as the user deems appropriate. Removes PIDF Annotation values added in Rev...
(advanced users) BulkCachingMode.MANUAL: Same as BulkCachingMode.AUTO except the cache is never cleared automatically. To avoid getting stale data, the cache must be manually cleared at the beginning of each loop body or as the user deems appropriate. Removes PIDF Annotation values added in Rev...
(advanced users) BulkCachingMode.MANUAL: Same as BulkCachingMode.AUTO except the cache is never cleared automatically. To avoid getting stale data, the cache must be manually cleared at the beginning of each loop body or as the user deems appropriate. Removes PIDF Annotation values added in Rev...