2015FIRSTRoboticsCompetition40FRCGameManual 系统标签: frcroboticsgamecompetitionmanuallego 2015FIRST®RoboticsCompetition(FRC®)GameManual200BedfordStreetManchester,NH03101,USAhttp://.usfirst/frcFIRST®,theFIRST®logo,FIRST®RoboticsCompetition,FRC®,FIRST®TechChallenge,Coopertition®,GraciousProfessi...
The FIRST Robotics process is complex as well as competitive and includes developing a game plan, strategy and defensive play, with goals and objectives spelled out in the game manual. “That’s the level we’re at,” Miska explained during a Sunday morning session at the high school. “How...
they discussed the definitions of assist and possession and clarified the rules for such actions and others on the playing field. For the first two and a half hours, the group went through the relevant sections of the game manual and encouraged...
The new FIRST Robotics Competition game, Aerial Assist, had a unique scoring system and field that encouraged teams to work closer together than ever before. With this in mind, the AdamBots created “Andromedra”, an accurate, fast design capable of working either with others or on its own...