saving is increased.This Economic Letter discusses how a deleveraging of the U.S. household sector might affect the growth rate of consumption going forward. History provides examples of significant deleveraging episodes, both in the household and business sectors, ...
FRBSF Economic Letter, 2009-06, 2009.John Krainer (2009), House Prices and Bank Loan Performance, FRBSF Economic Letter, Number 2009-06Krainer, J. ( 2009 ), “ House prices and bank loan performance ”, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Economic Letter, p. 1 ....
FRBSF Economic Letter 2009-28 September 8, 2009 4 the start of the period, job losers constituted about 40% of the newly unemployed on average. Since then, the underlying trend has been upward, reaching a recent high of 65%. The resulting increase in the share of job losers in ove...
To achieve its goals of economic and financial stability, the Fed took two broad actions to ease financial conditions: It lowered short-term interest rates to near zero and it doubled the size of its balance sheet. The Fed has many options for a successful exit strategy to return monetary p...
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