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First Bank盘中异动 大幅下跌5.16%报14.88美元 FirstBank股票盘中异动,大幅下跌5.16%,报14.88美元,换手率0.01%,振幅3.47%。最近财报显示,该股实现营收2.28亿美元,净利润42.24百万美元。所有参与评级的机构均给予买入建议。关联标的 股票 供应链 纳斯达克 IXIC.US -0.08% 指数 BK 金融 US4800.BK -0.62% 板块 ...
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来源 | CEPR & FRB编译 | 李煜坤,付余鹭CEPRThe Green Energy Transition and the 2023 Banking Crisis绿色能源转型与2023年银行危机作者:Francesco D'Ercole, Alexander F. Wagner核心内容:This study examines the stock price reactions of environmentally responsible stocks during the onset of the 2023 ...
One stock to keep an eye on isFirst Bank (FRBA). FRBA is currently sporting a Zacks Rank of #1 (Strong Buy), as well as a Value grade of A. The stock has a Forward P/E ratio of 9.26. This compares to its industry's average Forward P/E of 11.10. Over the past year, FRBA...
Markets change, but our community always has the latest news, in-depth analysis, and powerful stock ratings. or By creating an account using any of the options above, you agree to theTerms of Use&Privacy Policy FRBCXJohn Hancock Regional Bank Fund C ...
This study examines the stock price reactions of environmentally responsible stocks during the onset of the 2023 banking crisis, triggered by the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB). Our findings indicate that stocks poised to benefit ...