题目: 垂枝欧洲白蜡(Fraxinus excelsior Pendula) 窄叶白蜡(Fraxinus angustifolia) 花白蜡 (Fraxinus ornus) 黑白蜡(Fraxinus nigra) 水曲柳( Fraxinus mandschurica)都是白蜡树枯梢病菌的主要寄主植物 免费查看参考答案及解析 12345下一页 共1000条数据
Related to Fraxinus excelsior:European ash,Common ash </>embed</> ash ash tree European ash common Europe... Fraxinus e... noun Synonyms for Fraxinus excelsior nountall ash of Europe to the Caucasus having leaves shiny dark-green above and pale downy beneath ...
Nostrums made from the leaves and bark of the tree (Fraxinus excelsior) are alleged to have value in therapy of gastrointestinal disease; clinical tests are ongoing. Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 ...
Bergqvist G., Bergstrom R. & Wallgren M. 2012. Browsing by large herbivores on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) seed- lings in mixture with ash (Fraxinus excelsior) or silver birch (Betula pendula). Scand. J. For. Res. 27: 372-378....
Fraxinus excelsioris a minor species representing less than 1% of the trees in the forests and being attacked by the invasive pathogenHymenoscyphus fraxineussince 2006. By studying deviations between inventories, we estimated a 74% higher-than-expected average ash mortality and a 13% slower-than...
The cross reactivity of the pollen allergens of birch (Betula pendula), hazel (Corylus avelana), alder (Alnus glutinosa), wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), oak (Quercus robur) and ashtree (Fraxinus excelsior) was studied by the methods of... IG Akhapkina,TM Zheltikova - 《Zhurnal Mikrobio...
excelsior 'Aurea Pendula', F. nigra Marsh., F. ornus L., F. angustifolia 'Raywood', F. excelsior L. and F. excelsior 'Jaspidea' should be considered for urban planting sites, where water supply is limited. Care should be taken when planting F. americana L., F. americana 'Autumn ...
Johannesson, H., Ihrmark, K., and Stenlid, J. (2002) Differ- ential decay extension capability of Daldinia spp. in wood of Betula pendula, Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior. For Ecol Managem 167: 295-302.Johannesson, H. , Ihrmark, K. & Stenlid, J. ( 2002 ) Differential ...
Fraxinus excelsior 'Pendula'Fraxinus excelsior 'Pendula'是木犀科植物。Fraxinus excelsior 'Pendula'的树高是10-25英尺,树幅是20至50英尺,四月至五月开花,养护成本中等。