Other drugs may be used, such as denosumab (Prolia) or zoledronic (Reclast), which are given by injection. Read our editorial policy. The opinions or assertions contained herein are the private views of the authors and are not to be construed as official or as reflecting the views of the ...
1、国外骨折风险评估工具FRAX的应用进展摘要:骨质疏松性骨折是骨质疏松最严重的后果,世界卫生组织推荐使用简单易行的骨折风险预测工具FRAX评估患者的骨折风险,针对高风险人群进行及时干预,大大降低其危害。国外有关FRAX应用研究逐渐精细和深入,有关FRAX在不同疾病患者中的适用性,及结合、不结合股骨颈BMD对 FRAX 预测结果...
]研究结果一致,Ilias等[[] Ilias I,Spanoudi F,Koukkou E,et al.Use of the FRAX calculator with and without bone mineral density in Greek women. Hormones (Athens), 2012,11(2):222-223. ]对希腊女性研究发现,结合与不结合BMD比较,髋部骨折高风险人群比例升高,分析原因可能为研究者们均无基于本国...
The initial CAROC screen from the online calculator is shown inFigure 66.3. When the box labeled “CALCULATOR” is clicked, the data entry screen appears, which is shown inFigure 66.4. If applicable, the radio button for spine or hip fracture should be clicked. If other nonspine fractures ...