The meaning of FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE is a conveyance of property made for the purpose of rendering the property unavailable for satisfaction of a debt or otherwise hindering or defeating the rights of creditors; specifically : a conveyance of property th
欺诈性据为己有 ...,通常的表述是“转为己有”(convert)或者“欺诈性据为己有”(Fraudulent appropriation);三是本罪的主体通常限于具有某 …|基于8个网页 2. 期骗性的挪用 fraudulent是什... ... fraudulent alienation 欺诈让与fraudulent appropriation期骗性的挪用fraudulent conversion 欺诈侵...
Fuel Cycle Facilities Fuel cycle facilities (FCFs) include conversion and deconversion facilities subject to 10 CFR Part 40, "Domestic Licensing of Source Material," and enrichment and fuel-fabrication facilities subject to 10 CFR Part 70, "Domestic Licensing of Special Nuclear Materials," and 10 ...