Interviewing Agents and Vendors as well as background checks on agents can help Fraud Examiners eliminate the opportunity for fraud.3. Complaints by Bidders. May raise concerns about bid rigging or collusion. Can be controlled by analyzing bid patterns, interviewing vendor relationships, and conduc...
And fraud examiners should be aware of North Korea’s exploits and skills because they’ve spilled over into the greater cybercrime universe. These state-sponsored recruits moonlight in their spare time as criminal hackers to supplement their meager state salaries, but they also work in conjunction...
The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, an international anti-fraud body, found that91% of organizationsglobally have used data analysis technology in response to growing financial crime risks. This technology holds promise because it canunearthhidden patterns in vast datasets, leading to better d...
Focusing on purely quantitative aspects, the latest report of the ACFE (Association of Certified Fraud Examiners) for the year 2018 states that organizations lose 5% of their annual income because of fraud. This amount, translated into Gross World Product figures, equals 4 trillion dollars [10]....