The meaning of FRATERNITY is a group of people associated or formally organized for a common purpose, interest, or pleasure. How to use fraternity in a sentence.
仅供参考,由机器翻译系统提供。查看原文,请访问:Etymology, origin and meaning of fraternity 广告 在fraternity 附近的词典条目 frass frat fraternal fraternally fraternise fraternity fraternization fraternize fratricidal fratricide frau 链接论坛参考文献链接产品iOS 应用安卓应用Chrome 扩展关于网站作者网站简介在...
the medical fraternity. an organization of laymen for religious or charitable purposes; sodality. the quality of being brotherly; brotherhood: liberty, equality, and fraternity. the relation of a brother or between brothers. AnyClip Product Demo 2022 ...
1、Fraternity Girl 2、fraternityhouse n. (美国大学生)联谊会会堂 3、fraternityparty 兄弟会聚会 4、fraternityor sorority 兄弟会或姐妹会 5、fraternityhouses n.联谊会会堂(美国大学生) 6、fraternityrecords 兄弟会记录 7、fraternitybig 博爱大 8、fraternitymeaning 博爱的意义 ...
*bhrater- bhrāter-, Proto-Indo-European root meaning "brother." It forms all or part of:br'er;brethren; brother;bully(n.);confrere;fraternal;fraternity;fraternize;fratricide;friar;friary;pal. It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskritbhrátá...
early 14c., "body of men associated by common interest," from O.Fr. fraternité (12c.), from L. fraternitatem (nom. fraternitas) "brotherhood," from fraternus "brotherly," from frater "brother," from PIE *bhrater (see brother). Meaning "state or condition of being as brothers" is fr...
The word"fraternity" came into English from the Latin "frater," meaning brother. We can think of these organizations as brotherhoods, as they consist of only males. College students join fraternities for friendship, to help in the community...
• The university's fraternities have a reputation for lively parties.• There can be no solutions until humanity has learned the meaning of words like co-operation, unselfishness, fraternity and trust. 随便看 -ibility ibility ibis ibises Ibiza -ible -ible ible -ibly IBM ibs ibsen,-...
The meaning of INTERFRATERNITY is occurring between or involving two or more fraternities. How to use interfraternity in a sentence.
Synonyms for fraternity in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for fraternity. 35 synonyms for fraternity: companionship, fellowship, brotherhood, kinship, camaraderie, comradeship, circle, company, set, order, clan, guild, brotherhood... What are synonyms for fra