190.8-2215 May 01A Passing Fancy 191.8-2322 May 01A Day in May 192.8-2422 May 01Cranes Go Caribbean Season 9 193.9-125 Sep 01Don Juan in Hell (1) 194.9-225 Sep 01Don Juan in Hell (2) 195.9-302 Oct 01The First Temptation of Daphne ...
22: A Passing Fancy (2) Lana promises to set up Frasier with Claire if he tutors Kirby, Lana's teenage son. Kirby agrees to study hard if Frasier can get him a date with Roz. Tuesday, May 22nd, 2001 23: A Day in May Niles becomes jealous when Daphne meets a dog lover. Lana ...
哇 美女啊 走 去打招呼 Wow, she is a looker! Well, come on, lets go say hello. 哦 天呐 怎么这么巧呀 Oh well! Oh my God, fancy seeing you here! 嘿 Frasier Crane Hey, Frasier Crane. 哇 你记得我 Oh, you remember me? 当然了 限速40 你开62 Come on? Sixty-two in a forty-mile...
臭不要脸的 Son of a bitch! 请不要用那个 Do not use that. Please. 给给 Here, here. 就一个空罐子 An empty can? 我还以为你们家这么多花哨家什 I would have thought, with all your fancy dingle-dangles, 你会为抽烟的客人准备好点的东西呢 youd have something nicer for your guests who ...