Frans de Waal: Moral behavior in animals - YouTubeListon, ConorCohen, Matthew MalterTeslovich, TheresaLevenson, DanielCasey, B J
Frans de Waal’s TED talks 16:29 Frans de Waal Moral behavior in animals PostedApr 2012 15:54 Frans de Waal The surprising science of alpha males PostedJun 2018
The Brains of the Animal Kingdom, The Wall Street Journal, 2013. Moral behavior in animals at TEDxPeachtree. What I learned from tickling apes, NYT, 2016. Frans de Waal on chimpanzees, BBC, 2016. Talks 16:11 The surprising science of alpha males Frans de Waal 2017 Biologist...
法蘭斯.德瓦爾(Frans de Waal),荷蘭裔美國人,烏特勒支大學生物學博士,全球知名動物行為學家與靈長類動物學家,美國國家科學院、荷蘭皇家藝術暨科學院院士,埃默里大學心理學系坎德勒講座教授、烏特勒支大學特聘教授、亞特蘭大葉克斯國家靈長類研究中心的生存環節中心(Living Links Center)主任。
这位导师研究兴趣之一是人与自然,文化与自然的二元对立。有意思的是,著名的灵长类学者 Frans de Waal 在他关于拟人论的讨论中,将人与自然的割裂定位在人对动物拟人化的否定(anthropodenial)过程中: 图:Anthropomorphism and Anthropodenial: Consistency in Our Thinking about Humans and Other Animals...
这个演讲的有趣之处在于提供了很多动物道德的案例和录像,可以方便我们理解动物的行为。 作者通过自己对动物的权力欲强的研究,认为存在一种进化而来的道德,跟宗教、文化、风俗无关,他的主要元素即基石如下: 1、共鸣和安慰 2、亲社会倾向 3、互惠和公正感 ...
Much the same conclusion is reached by Frans de Waal in another book published in October, "The Age of Empathy. " 弗兰斯·德·瓦尔在十月份出版的一本新书《移情时代》中得出几乎一样的结论。 2. Frans de Waal is Charles Howard Candler Professor of Primate Behavior at Emory ...
As Frans de Waal, a primatologist (灵长动物学家), recognizes, a better way to think about other creatures would be to ask ourselves how different species have developed different kinds of minds to solve different adaptive problems. Surely the important question is not whether animals can do the...
(C)Frans de Waal, a primatologist (灵长动物学家), suggests nat more insightful approach to understanding other creatures would be to ask ourselves how the minds of various species have developed to solve different adaptive challenges. Surely the important question is not whether animals can do wha...
Frans de Waal (1948–2024), primatologist who questioned the uniqueness of human minds doi:10.1038/d41586-024-01071-yNatureAndrew Whiten