Different: What apes can teach us about gender, by Frans de Waaldoi:10.1007/s10329-022-01006-zPrimates -McGrew, William C.Springer Nature SingaporePrimates
阅读As Frans de Waal, a primatologist (灵长动物学家), recognizes, a better way to think about other creatures would be to ask ourselves how different species have-developed different kinds of minds to solve different adaptive problems. 8urely the important question is not whether animals can do...
(C)Frans de Waal, a primatologist (灵长动物学家), suggests nat more insightful approach to understanding other creatures would be to ask ourselves how the minds of various species have developed to solve different adaptive challenges. Surely the important question is not whether animals can do wha...
在写论文时我也曾被导师提示过避免将自然和人的关系拟人化(*当时我的表述是养殖者的猎杀行为在某种程度上「背叛」了他们曾与动物建立起的共生关系)。这位导师研究兴趣之一是人与自然,文化与自然的二元对立。有意思的是,著名的灵长类学者 Frans de Waal 在他关于拟人论的讨论中,将人与自然的割裂定位在人对动物拟...
法兰斯.德瓦尔(FRANS DE WAAL)是著名的灵长类动物学家(primatologist),写过《猿形毕露:从猩猩看人类的全力、暴力、爱与性 …closetu.pixnet.net|基于95个网页 2. 弗兰斯·德·瓦尔 译言网 | 进化:未来两百年 ... Kenneth Miller 肯尼思·米勒 Frans de Waal 弗兰斯·德·瓦尔 Richard Fortey 理查德·福泰 ....
法蘭斯.德瓦爾(Frans de Waal),荷蘭裔美國人,烏特勒支大學生物學博士,全球知名動物行為學家與靈長類動物學家,美國國家科學院、荷蘭皇家藝術暨科學院院士,埃默里大學心理學系坎德勒講座教授、烏特勒支大學特聘教授、亞特蘭大葉克斯國家靈長類研究中心的生存環節中心(Living Links Center)主任。
Frans de Waal was born in 1948 in 's-Hertogenbosch, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands. He is known for his work on The Great Apes of 'Rise of the Planet of the Apes' (2011), Pauw & Witteman (2006) and De wereld draait door (2005). 别名 Professor Frans De Waal 出生日期 1948-01-01 出生...
Frans de Waal: Morality, Sociality, and Culture in Primate Societies (六月 25, 2018) Season 1, Episode 40 - Self - Primatologist (voice) No Sanctuary (2018) (Short) - Self (as Frans De Waal) Philosophy Talk (2017) (Podcast Series) - Self - Primatologist (1 episode, 2017) Non...
Frans de Waal studies primate social behavior -- how they fight and reconcile, share and cooperate.
Frans de Waal 出版时间 2016-03-22 版次印次 1 页数 232 副书名 灵长目与哲学家 正文语种 英语 纸质 轻型纸 开本 25开 出版社名称 Princeton University Press 装帧类型 平装-胶订 图文详情 0 本店推荐 现货Someday 有一天 英文原版绘本 母爱亲情 感动你我 纸板书耐撕 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#Dw8PDwJRGVH...