轮椅上的总统--富兰克林·罗斯福(Franklin Delano Roosevelt) 他出身名门望族,但却坚信民主、捍卫自由;他身体残疾,是“轮椅上的总统”,却领导自由世界人民战胜了残暴的法西斯反动派。 他用“炉边谈话”温暖了美国人民的心窝,用“新政”驱散了经济大萧条的阴霾,用自己的乐观和坚定重新唤醒了美国人的自信心。 为了领导反...
詹姆斯·罗斯福一世(James Roosevelt I) 母亲: 萨拉·安·德拉诺·罗斯福(Sara Ann Delano Roosevelt) 妻子: 安娜·埃莉诺·罗斯福(Anna Eleanor Roosevelt) 子女: 安娜·埃莉诺·罗斯福·达尔·波蒂格·霍尔斯特德(Anna Eleanor Roosevelt Dall Boettiger Halsted) 詹姆斯·罗斯福二世( James Roosevelt II) 埃利奥特·罗...
(罗斯福 )w a sone o fthe mo【题目】Franklin Delano Roosevelt(罗斯福 )w a sone o fthe mo s tinfluential(有影响力的 )president sin American hist ory.1He served mor ethan 12 years .He led th enatio【题目】Franklin Delano Roosevelt(罗斯福 )w a sone o fthe mo s tinfluential(有影响力...
Franklin D. Roosevelt Biography: Franklin Delano Roosevelt (January 30, 1882-April 12, 1945) thirty-second president of the United States of America in the period 1933-1945. He was born in Hyde Park, New York, United States. His family was linked to poli
Who was the only American president elected four times? The answer is: Franklin Delano Roosevelt. As a young man, Roosevelt was crippled by polio. But Roosevelt refused to let the disease get in the…
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano rōˈzəvĕlt [key], 1882–1945, 32d President of the United States (1933–45), b. Hyde Park, N.Y. Sections in this article: Introduction The War Years New Deal Affliction and Return to Politics Political Start Early Life Bibliography The Columbia...
The meaning of ROOSEVELT is (Anna) Eleanor 1884—1962 née Roosevelt, wife of Franklin Delano Roosevelt American humanitarian and writer.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt 释义 [人名]富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福 实用场景例句 全部 That would beFranklin Delano Roosevelt, 1936. 是弗兰克林代尔努罗斯福, 于1936年. 电影对白 Few people exploited this quality as well as didFranklin Delano Roosevelt. ...
Doris Kearns Goodwin on what history may tell Joe Biden The historian describes what the experience of two past incumbent presidents, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon B. Johnson, may teach us about Biden's campaign for reelection. Jul 7, 2024 ...