Frankincense was lavishly used in religious rites. In the Book of Exodus in the Old Testament, it was an ingredient for incense (Ex 30:34); according to the Gospel of Matthew 2:11, gold, frankincense, and myrrh were among the gifts to Jesus by the Biblical Magi "from out of the East...
is best known for being one of the three gifts bestowed upon baby Jesus by the three wise men, alongside gold and myrrh. It is a member of the Burseraceae family of botanicals.Frankincense essential oil smells like incense, sweet and balsamic with warm and spicy undertones perfectly suited for...
meaning either "white" or "Lebanese" inHebrew.Frankincense was lavishly used inreligiousrites. In theBook of Exodusin theOld Testament, it was an ingredient forincense(Ex 30:34); according to the book ofMatthew 2:11,gold, frankincense, andmyrrhwere among the gifts toJesusby theBiblical Magi...