而市郊(am Stadtrand)则承担了居住的职能。 在市中心,商业设施有:银行(die Bank),邮局(die Post),商场(das Geschäft),酒店(das Hotel),饭馆(das Restaurant),咖啡馆(das Café) 。文化设施有:剧院(das Theater),电影院(das Kino)。 前面提到了,老城都位于市中心,在老城里面会有:市政厅(das Rathaus),...
Ladengalerie im Rathaus Bad Homburg6.18公里 MediaMarkt1.43公里 REWE Center1.32公里 DECATHLON1.36公里 Telekom Shop1.41公里 Nordi Markt1.03公里 Primark1.41公里 利多超市750 米 Kleines Zentrum1.47公里 Rompel & Söhne5.46公里 "raus aus dem keller" Antiquitäten, Schmuck, Porzellan uvm.5.1公里 ...
Points of interest here include its many open-fronted shops. Once common throughout the old town, and theRömer, this cluster of 11 historic buildings together made up the medieval-era Old Town Hall (Altes Rathaus). This popular Frankfurt attraction was faithfully reconstructed in 1954 from ori...
Ladengalerie im Rathaus Bad Homburg4.41公里 AdenauerZentrum1.07公里 tegut1.32公里 RiedbergZentrum3.39公里 Woolworth4.49公里 GALERIA Kaufhof(法兰克福西北城中心店)5.07公里 Kurhaus Ladengalerie Bad Homburg4.5公里 HORNBACH Frankfurt-Niedereschbach4.8公里
Here you will be able to view Frankfurt’s Rathaus (city hall), the 14th century Römer (town hall) as well as the Imperial Cathedral St. Bartholomew and the famous Paulskirche or St. Paul’s Church. The urban district of Höchst also offers a heritage-protected town centre worth ...
The Römer family originally owned this medieval building, which is one of Frankfurt’s most recognisable landmarks. The family sold it to the city in 1405, whereupon it became Frankfurt’s rathaus (city hall). Peruse the Städel Museum ...
法兰克福机场西NH酒店位于罗因海姆,附近有很多优质餐厅,例如Corner Steakhouse、Altes Rathaus和Cafe Alex。 法兰克福机场西NH酒店附近有哪些热门景点? 法兰克福机场西NH酒店位于罗因海姆,靠近包括Monchhofkapelle在内的著名景点。 关于法兰克福机场西NH酒店 法兰克福机场西NH酒店-...
如果您喜欢德国传统菜肴,不妨光顾Altes Rathaus或Zum Bembelsche餐厅。如果您想品尝披萨,Pizzeria Italia是个不错的选择。而想要尝试土耳其美食的话,Raunheimer Kebap-Haus绝对不容错过。Zum Holzwurm餐厅提供传统的德国菜肴,而Indische & Thailandische Food Station则提供印度和泰国美食。如果您想尝试中餐,Royal Garden是...
The backbone of Frankfurt, theRömersquare in the Altstadt (Old City), dates back hundreds of years. The well-kept appearance of Römer with theRathaus(Town Hall) is impressive. However, do not be deceived, most of these old buildings were virtually destroyed after World War II and were...
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