is a novel written by Percy Shelley. Shelley started writing when she was 18 and the novel was published when she was 21. The first edition was published anonymously in Rochelle in 1818. Shelley's name appears on the second edition, published in 1831. The title of the novel refers to a...
"ghost" stories, but only Mary's was destined to enjoy success. The novel was published in 1818. Percy contributed a preface and later made extensive emendations. After his death Mary herself thoroughly revised the text and published it again in 1831. This is the text read in this project...
4、 published in 1831 as the third edition, which belongs to the Gothic novels influenced by the romantic influence. Later, some scholars think that the origin of the story can be viewed as a horror fiction or science fiction. The origin of the novel Frankenstein, is also the mad doctor ...
1831年,玛丽·雪莱在《弗兰肯斯坦》再版的 序言中,把这部作品称为“我可怕的后代”(mv hideousprogeny)【 】㈣。这部作品的“可怕”在于它 暗示了生育的恐怖——胎死腹中、生出怪物,或者 收稿日期:2012—08—10 作者简介:李莹莹(1979一 ),女,贵州兴义人,兴义民族师范学院中文系讲师,硕士,主要从事比 ...
This edition of Frankenstein uses Mary Shelley's definitive 1831 text and incorporates several critical essays on Frankenstein, discussing its rich symbolism and place in world literature. There is also a valuable bibliography, Mary Shelley's original introduction to the 1831 edition, Percy Shelley's...