Chapter 8 Justine confesses to the crime even though she is innocent. She dies by execution, and Victor becomes overwhelmed with grief and guilt because his creation has caused him two family members. Chapter 9 Victors becomes depressed and thinks about suicide. He stops himself because he thinks...
76. How long has it been since the creature came to life ? What is Victor doing at this point? (See chapter 6.) Victor has been hiking in Geneva it has been 2 years 我們有專家為這個問題所編寫的解答! 77. What does the creature hope will happen when he talks to De Lacey? What act...
用Quizlet學習並牢記包含Foreshadowing: the presentation of material in such a way that the reader is prepared for what is to come later in the work、Frame Story: a lengthy flashback comprising more than half of the text, a frame story is the portion outsi
Chapter 2 questions AND vocabulary 2nd block MATCHUP 37個詞語 Jorge69696969696969 預覽 AP Psych Unit 2 book vocabulary#5 20個詞語 spivey6945 預覽 The Great Gatsby Vocabulary Quiz Chapters 8-9 10個詞語 genevagilley667 預覽 Vocabulary Definitions 10個詞語 xavierelliott16 預覽 SAT Words L&M 10個詞語...