The answers Frank uncovers will surprise and encourage you. Get this DVD and see what God is really like (and, maybe, what you are really like as well). MP3 DownloadNRBWHATISGODmp3, Turek, Luke, parables, God, attributes of God, What is God Like?
God's are automatically objectively superior. But I think this is a false assumption. And if this assumption is false, then Frank Turek's conclusion is also false, because that would mean that Christians don't have an objectively high moral ground to point to in discussions with atheists. ...
kwords: 9781935495840, Apologetics, god, exist, atheism, atheist, bible, Chuck Winter, design, teleological, evolution, id, Frank Turek, exist, atheism, atheist, suffering, evil, problem of, apologia, logic, truth, philosophy, curriculum, religion, religions, world religions, Geisler, I Don't...
Stealing From God - Why Atheists Need God to Make Their CaseNorman L Geisler
A Show and Tell Presentation with Dr. Frank Turek For more than 20 years, archaeologist Eli Shukron led digs in and around Jerusalem. Now you can see Eli’s most amazing discoveries all in one place (some of these discoveries aren’t even published yet). Frank Turek interviews El...