Frank–Starling law of the heart - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaMy Publications
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The Frank-Starling law states that decreased cardiac preload caused by hypovolemia results in decreased affinity of cardiac myofilaments for Ca2+ and, thus, lesser force of contraction. From:Veterinary Clinics of North America: Equine Practice,2013 ...
Frank-Starling曲线是以下哪两个指标之间的关系() A.左室射血分数和前负荷 B.每搏量和前负荷 C.每搏量和后负荷 D.前负荷和心肌收缩力 E.心输出量和后负荷 答案 查看答案 更多“Frank-Starling曲线是以下哪两个指标之间的关系()”相关的问题 第1题 ...
Parameter measured during a dynamic test able to determine whether the patient's heart is operating on the steep portion of the Frank–Starling curve or on the terminal plateau portion. Among numerous dynamic indices of preload responsiv... HM Ahmed,CT Aquina,VH Gracias,... - Springer Berlin...
The law of the heart,Frank-Starling Law of the Heart(FSLH),says that the energy of cardiac contraction(cardiac work) is a function of the length of the muscle fiber(MFL)/ the end-diastolic volume(EDV).The authors of this paper investigate into the FSLH via multidisciplinary knowledge from...
when less is more,do not forget the Frank-Starling law 原以为是我们这里第一次这样说,原来他早就说过了 less is more:20世纪30年代著名的建筑师路德维希·密斯·凡德罗说过的一句话,意思是“少即多”,这是一种提倡简单,反对过度装饰的设计理念。简单的东西往往带给人们的是更多的享受,后用于多种场合。
6.Frank-Starling机制(Frank-Starling mechanisms):是心脏的一种代偿机制,指的是心脏的每搏输出量在所有其他因素保持不变的情况下,会随着心脏前负荷(心肌在收缩前所承受的负荷)的增加而增加。在一定的限度内,增加心脏的前负荷,回心血量增多,心脏内血液总体积充盈(舒张末期结束后的容积增加),从而导致心脏输出量增加。