and it is not a true law.%心脏搏动作功的规律:心脏收缩释放的能量(作功)是心肌纤维 长度/心室舒张末期容积(EDV)的函数,即 Frank-Starling 心脏定律(简称“定律”), 被誉为心脏生理学中的“经典”理论.笔者引用多学科知识从各种不同的角度对该 “定律”行了讨论,认为:①在 Starling 及其同事设计的研究静脉...
摘要 心脏搏动作功的规律:心脏收缩释放的能量(作功)是心肌纤维长度/心室舒张末期容积(EDV)的函数,即Frank-Starling心脏定律(简称"定律"),被誉为心脏生理学中的"经典"...展开更多 The law of the heart,Frank-Starling Law of the Heart(FSLH),says that the energy of cardiac contraction(cardiac work) is...
Frank-Starling law answers are found in the Taber's Medical Dictionary powered by Unbound Medicine. Available for iPhone, iPad, Android, and Web.
Parameter measured during a dynamic test able to determine whether the patient's heart is operating on the steep portion of the Frank–Starling curve or on the terminal plateau portion. Among numerous dynamic indices of preload responsiv... HM Ahmed,CT Aquina,VH Gracias,... - Springer Berlin...
The theory that the energy of cardiac contraction(cardiac work) is a function of the length of the muscle fiber(the end-diastolic volume,EDV) has been known as the Frank-Starling law of the heart(FSLH),which is reputed as the "classic mechanism" in physiology of the heart.The FSLH is...
Frank-Starling Law TheFrank-Starling lawdescribes the relationship between the force of contraction and the initial length of muscle cells. The sarcomere length associated with the most powerful contraction is 2.2 μm because there is maximal overlap ofmyofilamentsin this configuration. Sarcomere length...
Frank-Starling曲线是以下哪两个指标之间的关系() A.左室射血分数和前负荷 B.每搏量和前负荷 C.每搏量和后负荷 D.前负荷和心肌收缩力 E.心输出量和后负荷 答案 查看答案 更多“Frank-Starling曲线是以下哪两个指标之间的关系()”相关的问题 第1题 ...