【DL】unreleased, MISC.(256K MP3) 只看楼主 收藏 回复 eddie_free 中级粉丝 2 eddie_free 中级粉丝 2 曲目:A1. Rocket LoveA2. Time MachineA3. Heartbreak + Jet LagB1. Bedtime StoryB2. VoodooB3. WhiteB4. No LoveB5. 4 TearsC1. Acura IntegurlC2. Analog 2C3. Whip AppealD1. Pyrite...
the scammer reportedly shared one real unreleased Frank Ocean song on Discord and then jumped at the opportunity when they saw that fans couldn’t tell the difference between the real track and a fake one.
Guitarist Billy "Spaceman" Patterson, who worked on both 'Endless' and 'Blonde,' said theres a lot more music Frank Ocean made that we haven't heard.
In 2009 Paul opened his Pal and Original sound archives on line, bringing to the public some yet unreleased recordings by Zappa. The money coming in from the Run home, slow, movie gave Zappa the opportunity to take over Buff's studio. He started working on a film project himself, but ...
Back in 2014,Hit-Boyshared a snippet of aNasandFrank Oceansong called “No Such Thing as White Jesus,” which is still unreleased to this day. As part of DJ Booth’s ‘Unreleased’ series, they caught up with the producer to get the full details on the record. ...
it’s Frank Ocean. In his hands, such intimacy attracts the ear, bubbles the brain, raises the flesh. These songs are not for marching, but they still serve a purpose. They’re about everyday lives, about the feat of just existing, which is a statement in its own right. Trayvon Marti...
Filthy habits, Flambay, Spider of destiny, Time is money, Regyptian strut, Sleep dirt, The ocean is the ultimate solution Zappa in New York: irregular rhythmic groupings Titties and beer, Cruising for burgers (1976), I promise not to come in your mouth, The Illinois enema bandit, Manx ...
Even the biggest artists in the world have songs you haven’t heard. In our new seriesZ-Sides, we shine light on those rare tracks and deep cuts that only hardcores know word for word. We kick off withThe Lonny Breaux Collection:a cult compilation of unreleased Frank Ocean tracks. ...
【DL】unreleased, MISC.(256K MP3) 取消只看楼主 收藏 回复 eddie_free 中级粉丝 2 eddie_free 中级粉丝 2 曲目:A1. Rocket LoveA2. Time MachineA3. Heartbreak + Jet LagB1. Bedtime StoryB2. VoodooB3. WhiteB4. No LoveB5. 4 TearsC1. Acura IntegurlC2. Analog 2C3. Whip AppealD1. ...