和Super Rich Kids的Real love breakdown非常enjoyable,这三个歌某种程度上可以算这张专辑引发的Nostalgia:Frank Ocean的直男音乐人格。 DesieLdeLycean 流行权威 13 直男版的Frank Ocean是最理想的都市Singer-Songwriter:Rich,Sexual,Crude像“Fcuk me good,fcuk me long,fcuk me numb”“Say aww baby up against ...
Chanel - Frank Ocean Translated & Visualized by NicoRWB Dedicated to@OvnSpirits 我想要感谢@Faur-69 @Neo_FM @itsnotApril @这里是KONG 等各位与我保持链接的内容创作者。他们对于我来说不只是 colleague,更是朋友。我们在翻译创作的道路上互相帮助,你中有我,我中有你,都有彼此的影子。 灵感、美学与爱是...
【新闻】纽约时报:F..Frank Ocean, the 25-year-old singer who released the hit album "Channel Orange" in July 2012. Ocean
It's no secret that Frank Ocean has had a contested relationship with the Grammy Awards for some time. During the 2013 Grammys, the musician gave an arguably rigid performance; towards the end of 2016, Ocean didn't put forth his album Blonde for consideration, calling the Grammys "dated."...
Ocean’s themes could be a bit tighter. Yet Ocean’s irrepressible spirit carries all 55 minutes of this opus, shining light on subjects that are not discussed often enough and spinning new webs of ideas around familiar R&B tropes. “Channel Orange” may make Frank Ocean a household name,...
Frank Ocean 的《Nikes》是关于消费主义、派对文化和感情关系。与《Channel Orange》的情感不同,这首歌好像是站在成名生活的背景下看待感情关系。 最浅层的,这首歌是关于 Ocean 的时尚品味 - Ocean 在歌曲和影像当中都出现了他的时尚服装和汽车,他认为 Nike 是给“basic bitch”穿的,而他喜欢的是更高档的品牌...
//@realcolewrold_:那必然是FrankOcean💚【转发】@HoodLife:如果音乐是治疗的话 🎶🫂谁是你的专属治疗师?
frank ocean大战只狼 只狼 人气榜 单机航海 您使用的浏览器版本偏低,为保障您的直播观看体验 推荐使用新版 Edge、 Chrome、 Safari 等浏览器 [x] 画面异常?切换解码策略试试 默认 AV1 HEVC AVC 播放器日志信息 显示日志 复制日志 下载日志 视频统计信息 ...
As I said above, what I'm gathering here aren't trends or any common beats; rather, they're just part of the variety that the ocean of funk tosses up onto the shore.( Footnote )This entry was originally posted at https://koganbot.dreamwidth.org/390354.html. Comments still welcome ...