Our family toured the Robie House while in the Chicago area and had a great experience. This is definitely an activity for adults or older children; my child is a very mature tween and she enjoyed seeing the house and asking questions, but is accustomed to these tours and behaved accordingly...
While visiting family in the Chicago area, we took an afternoon to visit the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio. The guided tour is very thorough, giving insight to the life and personality of Frank Lloyd. You can see how nature played into his style from the beginning...
庄臣位于威斯康星州拉辛市,除由 Frank Lloyd Wright 设计并一直沿用至今的公司总部外,我们还有一座由 Foster + Partners 倾心设计的建筑,其自投入使用以来备受赞誉,该建筑内陈列着有关 Frank Lloyd Wright 的展品、著名影片以及一架双引擎 S-28 水陆两用飞机的复制品,这架飞机的故事感人至深,直触心弦。 欢...
Frank Lloyd Wright's Home and Studio in Oak Park, Illinois.Don Kalec/Frank Lloyd Wright Preservation Trust/Getty Images (cropped) Wright moved from Wisconsin to the Chicago area to learn the craft of architecture from the masters. His most influential mentor wasarchitect Louis Sullivan, his emplo...
On August 15, 1914, while Wright was in Chicago completing a large project, Midway Gardens, Julian Carlton, a male servant whom he had hired several months earlier, set fire to the living quarters of Taliesin and murdered seven people with an axe as the fire burned. The dead were: Mamah...
这座大楼是 Frank Lloyd Wright 设计的著名建筑之一,耸立在超过 45.7 米的高空,面积 3.7 平方米。在地平面,此楼采用柱基支撑,最窄处仅跨越 4.0 米。因此,这座塔楼几乎就像悬在空中一样,既是公司创造力的有力证明,也为在其内开发创新产品的员工带去灵感。
In the suburb of Oak Park, Chicago, there are 25 of Wright’s buildings. This is the best spot to see the architect’s creative world. On guided tours, visitors see the inventive spaces Wright designed for his own children. You can also take children on hunts for Wright buildings here,...
Reports on a house tour Mildred Rosenbaum conducts of her own Frank Lloyd Wright-designed home in Florence, Alabama. She started to conduct the tours in 1983 because of financial hardship; It is a Usonian home; It was enlarged in 1948.Starzynski...
Fallingwater—the iconic, Frank Lloyd Wright-designed home cantilevered over a waterfall—was a comeback story for the visionary American architect. Born in 1867, Wright was in his late 60s in 1934 when he was commissioned to design a country retreat outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, for the...
A new tourism trail showcasing some of Frank Lloyd Wright’s ground-breaking work has been launched in Illinois by the Illinois Office of Tourism.