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● 1927. September 21, "Good-bye trouble; Hello Art. Admitting cinema ambitions and hinting at movie offers, Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright quietly left San Francisco for Hollywood, Chicago, Paris and points East." ● 1928. In January the bank orders Wright out of Taliesin. In July the bank sel...
Hope Rogers can be forgiven for not remembering her one meeting with Frank Lloyd Wright—she was just four years old at the time. It was 1928, and her world-famous great-uncle had materialized at a family reunion hosted by Hope’s parents, Frank and Frances Heller Sankot, on their farm ...
Start, perhaps, with that newly electrified white city, Chicago. In 1893, its World’s Columbian Exposition, or World’s Fair, was an announcement of America’s newly flexing muscles: its willingness to be broad-shouldered, to play a leadership role in world affairs, to stride into the futu...
KIRK HAS SECOND SURGERY -- The Chicago Tribune’s Cynthia Dizikes has an update: “Sen. Mark Kirk underwent additional surgery late Wednesday to create more space around his brain ‘in order to accom...