POSTPONED:Sunday, April 19th– A Screening of “Masterpieces” the Most Extraordinary Buildings Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright – a documentary film by Michael Miner. Lee Auditorium at Missouri History Museum Forest Park 5700 Lindell Boulevard
About a mile north of Shea Boulevard in Scottsdale, Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesen West rises quietly from the sandstone foothills of the McDowell Range. Started in 1937 as a winter studio (its summer counterpart, Taliesen East, is in Wisconsin), the complex continues today as a working schoo...
Building for sale, 10607 N FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT Boul 二手房商铺 约 ¥ 514 万 80万美元 地址 美国-斯科茨代尔 10607 N FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT Boulevard 建面 暂无 首付比例 暂无 参考租金 暂无 贷款咨询 询最低价 房源概况 编号: 68147971 单价 暂无 物业 商铺 产权 永久产权 年代 2007年 楼层 暂无 ...