Frank killed one with his remaining barrel, and Harry, by an excellent shot, brought down another that had climbed up into the top of a tall oak, and was endeavoring to hide among the leaves. Brave and Sport both started after the same one, and overtook and killed it before it could ...
Like some artists and philanthropists, Moreau bequeathed his home and studio to the State and we are the luckier for it. When you enter the apartments on the street level you get a look at the narrow art-lined corridors leading off to purposed rooms such as the artist’s office, study, ...
The Romantic and Progressive Aspects of Frank Lloyd Wright Frank Lloyd Wright's favorite occupation on a Sunday afternoon was to rearrange the furniture in his Oak Park house; photographs of these experiments still exist today. They show that during his first six years there, his living room,...
The Romantic and Progressive Aspects of Frank Lloyd Wright Frank Lloyd Wright's favorite occupation on a Sunday afternoon was to rearrange the furniture in his Oak Park house; photographs of these experiments still exist today. They show that during his first six years there, his living room, ...
Shatter these bonds, and you shatter human society just as surely as you may fell with a power saw in a single afternoon a mighty oak tree that has taken hundreds of years to grow.It's not just that smoking bans don't even improve "health" (even in the narrow and dwindled sense ...
Presided over and resolved suit by medical group alleging benefit fund wrongfully refused to honor assigned claims Insurance Sunbelt Rentals v. Charter Oak Fire Insurance Company. Presided over declaratory judgment action concerning duties to indemnify and defend and the primacy of various insurance po...
15 in the morning and the police were suspicious of this truck towing a car driving around town so they stopped us. After I explained what I was doing they were happy to lead me over to Oak Street, thus escaping the cold steel rack. I sent the pictures to my brother, Will, trying ...
zigzags over the Great Lawn; the 3-Darchitecturally-created sound environmentis not simply loudspeakers hanging from Gehry's pipes. The acoustic design considers placement, height, direction, and digital synchronicity. Everyone can hear the performances thanks toTALASKE Sound Thinkingin Oak Park, ...
Ned wheeled his pony without further comment and followed Tad at a slow trot along the base of the foothills. The boys were engaged on a more desperate mission than they knew. CHAPTER III IN A BAD MAN’S POWER Having secreted their ponies in a dense growth of scrub oak, Tad laid out ...
Western Australia has formed the Settlements of Camden Harbor, and Nickol Bay. The latter (the country around which was explored by Mr. Francis Gregory, brother to the Surveyor-General of Queensland, in 1861), appears to have progressed favorably, the Grey, Gascoigne, Oakover and Lyons Rivers...