普法战争(Franco-Prussian War,1870年7月19日-1871年5月10日)是普鲁士王国为了统一德国与法兰西第二帝国争夺欧洲大陆霸权而爆发的战争,由法国发动,最后以普鲁士大获全胜,建立德意志帝国而告终。 普法战争使普鲁士王国完成德意志统一,取代了法国在欧洲大陆的霸主地位。 û收藏 1 评论 ñ赞 ...
Franco-Prussian War 释义 普法战争(是普鲁士为了统一德国并与法国争夺欧洲大陆的霸权,由法国挑起,结果普鲁士大获全胜,以建立“德意志帝国”而告终。 实用场景例句 全部 The Franco - Prussian war had sown seeds of enmity which were eventually to bear fruit....
中学英语中日关系普法战争外来语复合词新闻词语课本吸收出现中学英语课本中出现 Franco-Prussian War(普法战争),新闻中出现 Sino-Japanese relations(中日关系)等复合词语.这里Franco- 即 French,of France 或 French and 之意,前面的Franco- ,Sino- 等系外来语,而且较古,被英语吸收.如Sino- 源杨意衡语言教育...
franco-prussian war 普法战争汉英翻译 franco-prussian war普法战争 双语例句 1. Shortly after the 1870 Franco-Prussian war, began the use of the chromolithography (lithographic printing) introduced in France by Engelmann, with the purpose of doing advertising. ...
After the franco-prussian war, Prussia Prime Minister Bismarck worried France retaliates, therefore he adopts forms an alliance the policy, surrounds France.He causes Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Russia originally forms “three emperor unions”, but afterwards Russia in 1878 Berlin conf...
The first war fought by a united Germany and the last by an imperial France, the 1870s Franco-Prussian War created the European order that would last until World War I. Led by Helmuth Karl von Moltke, the Germans managed, within seven weeks of starting to mobilize their armies, to force...
Franco-Prussian War- a war between France and Prussia that ended the Second Empire in France and led to the founding of modern Germany; 1870-1871 Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
franco-prussian war基本解释 普法战争;普鲁士战争 分词解释 war战争 猜你喜欢 andy warhol安迪沃霍 global warming全球(气候)变暖,地球大气层变暖 warming up(比赛前的)准备动作的 world of warcraft魔兽世界 beast wars野兽之战 dionne warwick狄昂华薇克 eternity warriors永恒勇士 gemma ward吉玛·沃德 halo wars星环...
The Franco-Prussian War 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 The Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871 violently changed the course of European History. Alarmed by Bismarck's territorial ambitions and the Prussian army's crushing defeats of Denmark in 1864 and Austria in 1866, French Emperor Napoleon ...
298 p. The Starship and the Canoe - Kenneth Brower 379 p. The Book of Speculation - Erika Swyler 195 p. Never Get Angry Again - David J. Lieberman 419 p. Master and Commander - Patrick O'Brian 401 p. All or Nothing - Michael Wolff 427 p. A First-Rate Madness - Nassir ...