Alberto de Toro / 哈维尔·鲁伊斯·卡尔德拉 Javier Ruiz Caldera 主演: 米奇·艾斯巴尔贝 Miki Esparbé / 奥拉·加里多 Aura Garrido / 路易斯·卡... 5.6 / 1244人评价 王国 (2018) [ 演员 ] 导演: 罗德里戈·索罗戈延 Rodrigo Sorogoyen 主演: 安东尼奥·德·拉·托雷 Antonio de la Torre / 莫...
Escamilla Pérez, Rocío G.Trujeque, Javier ReyesLópez, Tezozomoc PérezPadilla, Víctor MonteónAlcántara, Ruth LópezCambridge University PressMrs Online Proceedings Library ArchiveEscamilla R. G., Reyes J., Perez-Lopez T., Monteon V. (2012), Lopez-Alcantara R.. Identification of ...
专辑:Celebrando Navidad Vol. 9 歌手:Augusto AlgueroClaudio FerrerWalfrido Guevara NavarroFrancisco De La Barrera GonzalezMiguel Char AbdalaAlberto Javier Vazquez y LauzuricaElectro-MarimbaHarry SimeoneHenry OnoratiPepe ReyesPopularKatherine Davisleroy andersonJames Pierpont ...
Juan Ruiz, an intensely alert, individual early poet, composed the Libro de buen amor (1330, expanded 1343; “Book of Good Love”), which combined disparate elements—Ovid, Aesop, the Roman Catholic liturgy, and the 12th-century Latin Pamphilus de amore, an anonymous elegiac comedy. The resu...
Shasta Leonardo Macedo / Hayward Alejandro Naranjo / Morgan Hill Daisy Paulsen / San Bruno Seth Reyes / Atwater Vivian Salmeron / Vacaville Kendall Williams / Los Molinos 2012 Harmon & Sue Burns Scholars Name / League Javier Cardenas / Atwater Jose Cruz / Morgan Hill Tyler Finck / Cottonwood ...
Jhon Mirque饰: Javier Orlando (2003-2004) Juan Alejandro Gaviria饰: Daniel (2004) Jennifer Leibovici饰: Sonia Patiño (2001-2002) Cristian Ruiz饰: Jason Steve Restrepo (2003-2004) Martha Silva饰: Cecilia Chavez Claudia Hoyos饰: Catalina de Restrepo (2003-2004) Juan Sebastian Quintero饰: Cri...
Jhon Mirque饰: Javier Orlando (2003-2004) 劳拉·佩里科饰: Danae "La Mutante" (2003-2004) Alberto Pujol演员 Andrés Felipe Rojas饰: Juan Camilo Aza Cristian Ruiz饰: Jason Steve Restrepo (2003-2004) Variel Sanchez饰: Bryan Rodriguez (2000-2001) Martha Silva饰: Cecilia Chavez Ericka Vélez饰...
Juan Carlos Campuzano /Mauricio Figueroa /Katherine Escobar 2017-02-13哥伦比亚开播 / 60分钟 看过 简介 The Jimmy Carter School receives Francisco a mathematics teacher that not only teaches to his students mathematics topics, he teaches to themes about lessons of life too....