Francisco Goya's Art Styles Francisco Goya's Later Paintings Lesson Summary Register to view this lesson Are you a student or a teacher? I am a student I am a teacher FAQ What is Francisco Goya's style of painting? Goya's first works were closer to Classicism and Realism, and the ...
Original Title:Goya asistieron por el doctor Arrieta artist:Francisco Goya Date:1820 Style:Romanticism Genre:portrait Media:oil,canvas Tag:famous-people,double-portraits,Francisco-Jose-de-Goya-y-Lucientes Location:Minneapolis Institute of Art, Minneapolis, MN, US...
收藏:大都会艺术博物馆(MET),纽约市,纽约州,美国 Title:Don Manuel Osorio Manrique de Zuniga artist:Francisco Goya Date:c.1787 Style:Romanticism Genre:portrait Media:oil,canvas Tag:children portraits Dimensions:127 x 101.6 cm Location:Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), New York City, NY, US收藏...
artist:Francisco Goya Date:1825 Style:Romanticism Genre:genre painting Tag:games-and-sport,celebrations-and-festivals Location:National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, US收藏 点赞0 作品名称:弗朗西斯科·戈雅(Francisco Goya)高清作品:The Famous American, Mariano Ceballos 作品链接:https://www.mei-shu....
Francisco Goya 弗朗西斯科·戈雅(Francisco Goya)高清作品《Portrait of the Artist Julio Asensio》 作品名:Portrait of the Artist Julio Asensio 原名:艺术家七月七月 艺术家:弗朗西斯科·戈雅 年代:c.1798 风格:浪漫主义 类型:肖像 标签:男性的肖像 收藏:西班牙马德里蒂森森博尼萨萨博物馆 Title:Portrait of the ...
弗朗西斯科·戈雅(Francisco Goya)高清作品《The Family of the Infante Don Luis》 作品名:The Family of the Infante Don Luis 原名:该家族的亲王路易斯 艺术家:弗朗西斯科·戈雅 年代:1784 风格:浪漫主义 类型:肖像 材质:布面油彩 标签:名人,家庭肖像,Infante Don Luis 尺寸:630 x 838 cm 收藏:私人收藏 ...
弗朗西斯科·戈雅(Francisco Goya)高清作品《The Duchess of Alba and Her Duenna》 作品名:The Duchess of Alba and Her Duenna 原名:阿巴公爵夫人和他的主人 艺术家:弗朗西斯科·戈雅 年代:1795 风格:浪漫主义 类型:肖像 材质:布面油彩 标签:双人像 尺寸:30.5 x 25 cm 收藏:私人收藏 Title:The Duchess of ...
were begun under the direction of the German artistAnton Raphael Mengs, a greatexponentofNeoclassicismwho, after Tiepolo’s death, had become undisputed art dictator at the Spanish court. In Goya’s early cartoons the influence of Tiepolo’s decorative style is modified by the teachings of Meng...
弗朗西斯科·戈雅(Francisco Goya)高清作品《Manuel Godoy, Duke of Alcudia, 'Prince of Peace&》 作品名:Manuel Godoy, Duke of Alcudia, 'Prince of Peace& 原名:曼努埃尔-戈多伊公爵阿尔库迪亚&;quot;你的和平王子&;quot; 艺术家:弗朗西斯科·戈雅 ...
Title:Portrait of Maria Teresa of Ballabriga, Countess of Chinchon Original Title:Retrato de María Teresa de Ballabriga, condesa de Chinchón artist:Francisco Goya Date:1800 Style:Romanticism Genre:portrait Media:oil,canvas Tag:famous-people,female-portraits,Maria-Teresa-of-Ballabriga,Countess-of-Chi...