The Franchise Tax Board (FTB) is the California tax agency that collects and enforces state income tax assessment and collection. ... The federal government
A few years ago in Southern California, one of my pack, ship and postal store Franchisees chose what at first look seemed to be a perfect site. The space and rent level were OK. The location was at the corner with a high-level of traffic who would see the store sign and know what ...
This New Tax Preparation Franchise Concept Will Make You Happy Own A Franchise That Helps People Look 10 Years Younger Friday Franchise News; New DVD Now Rental Kiosk Franchise Has Netflix Marketing Executives Shaking in Their Boots This Franchise Business Shows Its Customers How to Show Their Toes...
such information as Franchisor may from time to time reasonably designate. Franchisor shall have the right at all reasonable times to examine, at its expense, Franchisee's books, records, and tax returns. If the Franchisor conducts an audit and should such an audit reveal that Franchisee has un...