These enterprises, chief among which was the Paris Mercury (1792), sought to profit from heightened British interest in French events by dispatching ready-printed newspapers directly from Paris, thus achieving news priority over the domestic British press. New French press freedoms also enabled claims...
Not surprisingly, Dekobra also had a high opinion of his high opinions. American and English newspapers loved to offer their readers his grand pronouncements on everything from love and marriage to food. And especially, women. He was, after all, “The Man Who KNOWS Women.” From the London...
Richelieu was also famous for his patronage of the arts; most notably, he founded the Académie française, the learned society responsible for matters pertaining to the French language. Richelieu is also known by the sobriquet l'Éminence rouge ("the Red Eminence"), from the red shade of ...
About France - over 200 pages of useful up-to-date general, cultural, travel and tourist information about France, written by people who know. All content on is written exclusively for this website .
In my opinion, teaching English, at least in France, requires a very clear understanding and usage of the grammar rules, proper conjugation, contractions, etc. associated with our language because French students are not necessarily taught by speaking, they are taught using the ‘rules’ of gramm...
By the time of his death in 1951 at the age of 85, few newspapers noted his passing, and those that did acted as if Voronoff had always been ridiculed for his beliefs. Birthplace: Voronezh, Russia Claude Perrault Dec. at 75 (1613-1688) Claude Perrault is best known as the ...
Apart fromla France, the most common way to say “France” in everyday French is also the strangest and most creative choice on this list! Mainland France is often referred to asl’Hexagoneon the news, inFrench newspapersandFrench magazines, and even sometimes in everyday spoken language. Yo...
The chap said he remembered me and my interest in local football and I did my best to not mangle his language too much during my much-needed visit. S is checking out hair dressing options and may try a different one from last time, watch this soon to be nicely coiffured space!
In 1929, the Tour was broadcast on radio for the first time, by the newspaper “L’Intransigeant”. In 1948, the finish at the Parc des Princes in Paris was the first live broadcast. Today, you will see armies of journalists from all TV channels and newspapers wherever the Tour is. You...
Either put a “stop” sequence on email and papers (we additionally advise this within our Ultimate Checklist for Traveling Abroad) or arrange to get a friend or neighbor to pick up your email while you’re away. If not, a week’s worth of newspapers piled on the next step may signal ...