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Fourniere, Paul, Les quatre Flores de la France, Corse comprise (Genérale, Alpine, Méditerranéenne, Littorale), 2 éme édition. 2 Bände. 1 Textband mit XLVIII + 1105 S., 1 Abbildungsband mit 308 S. Editions Lechevalier S.A.R.L. Paris, 1977. ISBN 2–7205–0493-9 2 éme (...
leukemiaThe rhône valley was always a major route for humans between northern europe and mediterranean sea. Located in its middle part, the southern ardèche preserves remains of this activity. The saint-remèze plateau and ardèche canyon offered shelters and resources to the populations which ...
Morphogenèse Pathologique. ‘Des Monstruosités aux Malformations.’ By Bernard Duhamel, France, with the collaboration of Pierre Haegel and Robert Pagbs. 9?×7? in. Pp. 308, with 256 illustrations. 1966. Paris: Masson et Cie. 110F
Since 2003, French auditors must disclose justifications of assessments (JOAs) in expanded audit reports. Like critical audit matters recently introduced in theBédard, JeanGonthier〣esacier, NathalieSchatt, AlainSocial Science Electronic Publishing
Acute hepatitis C in HIV-infected men who have sex with men (MSM) in France in 2006 and 2007: interviews with patients (HEPAIG qualitative study, ANRS 07342)Le Talec, JeanYvesDelarocqueAstagneau, ElisabethLarsen, ChristineLinard, Fran�oise...
Spanish-American fiction has been developing unprecedented from the 1960’s, what has been given the highly contested name of boom by international literary critics. The main problem of that term is that it refers to a phenomenon affecting both the product...
P.463 Recent data on acute hepatitis B infections in France through mandatory notificationdoi:10.1016/S1386-6532(06)80636-0D.G.AntonaandE.Delarocque-AstagneauandD.Levy-BruhlSDOSJournal of Clinical Virology
Toscana Virus and Acute Meningitis, France.Presents a letter to the editor about the prevalence of Toscana virus and acute meningitis in France.EBSCO_AspEmerging Infectious Diseases