My personal belief is not that we are witnessing the final triumph of Eurabia, but rather the last spasms of the Eurabian Union. There will be at least as big changes in Western Europe over the coming generation as there were in Eastern Europe following the fall of the Berlin Wall. There...
After Ukraine and Russia, France is the largest country by territory in Europe. That means that there are a lot of cities to learn! This geography quiz game makes it easy for you, and will prove to be a great study aid. Play the map quiz game now and see how many you know!
With 96 departments in metropolitan France, learning to identify them is going to be challenging. You have some tricks up your sleeve, maybe a “mind palace” or some other mnemonic device, but don’t forget about this engaging map quiz game! It will hel
It is mortally wounded even though all its crew is able to evacuate it, including Admiral Sentaro, who transfers his flag to the Hibiki. The British lose only one aircraft, although all the others are hit, including two seriously. At the end of the day, Sentaro, disgusted,...
Unfortunately, USAball says that Franceball is not good at fighting because of their fear in WW2 despite the final butt-kicking of Germany. But usually, Franceball tags along with USAball in Middle Eastern conflicts. (Even told so, Franceball military speaking the most powerful European ball,...
when Finland asked for help from the Poles to provide personnel for the additional aircraft they were bringing into service, and offering equivalent ranks in the Ilmavoimat, together with the formation of 100% Polish squadrons flying under the Polish Flag, the Polish-government-in-exile was quick... Photos: Huge Bangladesh rally calls for boycott of French after Macron's anti-Islam remarks