France - Culture, Cuisine, Arts: With the advent of colonialism and global trade, France reached a worldwide market, and French artistic, culinary, and sartorial styles influenced the high and popular cultures of nations around the globe.
Valentine’s Day Traditions in France Otherwise, Valentine’s day in France is celebrated a bit like it is in the rest of the world – chocolates, roses, jewels for the wealthiest… a romantic restaurant or evening… Sometimes a card, but much less than in English cultures and again, only...
On the other hand, some other French traditions can seem rather direct and abrupt to other cultures. The French are simply not into flowering things up and will ask very direct questions if they want to know something which may to the outsider seem rather abrupt. This is in fact not rudene...
France doesn't justhavedifferent cultures, as the word "culture" actually comes from the French. As a term, the word “culture” derives from the same French term, which in turn derives from the Latin wordcolere, meaning “to tend to the earth and grow, cultivate and nurture." Historicall...
French national identity is based on the historical origins of the nation in Celtic, Gallo-Roman, and Frankish cultures. The name "France" originally was used to refer to several peoples in the lower Rhineland. It gradually was introduced as a more widespread term to denote that territory, for...
ARD, V. 2013: Ceramic traditions and cultural identities: west-central France during the Late Neolithic II period (c.3400-2900 cal. BC). Oxford Journal of Archaeology 32(4), 367-89.Ard, V., 2013. Ceramic Traditions and Cultural Identities: West-Central France during the Late Neolithic II...
If you don’t want to live with the French and share their way of life, language, culture and traditions, you’re probably better off going somewhere else (or staying at home). Although it’s difficult to get to know the French, when you do you invariably make friends for life. The...
Since the mid-1980s, the government has let newcomers retain their distinctive cultures and traditions and required from them a mere integration but French citizens have equated their nationality with citizenship however, as French law still does so....
experience cultural diversity and develop cross-cultural communication skills. In this era of globalization, understanding and respecting different cultures is a quality we must have. Through experiencing French culture, we will ...
and science and technology. While the physical location of the museum is located at the confluence of the Rhône and Saône Rivers, it is also named for the confluences of cultures. You can see a breathtaking view of Lyon from the observation decks at the top of the building, but reall...