la France occupe une position de choix en tant que deuxième acteur européen, derrière l’Allemagne. Cependant, cette dynamique est tempérée par des défis structurels majeurs : un cadre réglementaire de
IX. Internationale (Canada, É.-U., R.-U., France, Allemagne, Italie, Japon). (French).The article presents several graphs and tables related to international markets including those in Canada, Germany and Italy.EBSCO_bspCanadian Economic Observer...
OrthopedicsPublication researchImpact factorJournal citation reports (JCRIn the past decade, researchers have made great progress in the field of orthopedics. However, the research status of different countries is unclear. To summarize the number of published articles, we assessed the cumulative impact ...
IX. Internationale (Canada, É.-U., R.-U., France, Allemagne, Italie, Japon). (French).Several graphs and tables are presented depicting international economic accounts in Canada, including gross domestic product in the U.S., industrial production in Great Britain, and merchandise trade ...
We try to demonstrate this here by studying the meanings attached to labor relations in Germany, France and Great-Britain between the two world wars. Correlating various domains and sources suggests that those configurations of meaning are built, respectively, around freedom of contract, freedom of ...
signalsvariationsThe waveforms and envelopes of resonance signals observed in the ionosphere at 2, 3, 4, and 5 f H by rocket experiment are compared with the analytical results provided by a spatial ray-tracing procedure which takes the gradient of Earth's magnetic field into account. An ...
CULTURE NATIONALE ET MANAGEMENT DES INNOVATIONS: UNE COMPARAISON FRANCE/ ALLEMAGNE.(English):This article analyses the influence of French-German cultural differences on two crucial aspects of innovation management : the interfonctional cooperation and the tendency to innovate radically or incrementally. ...