24/02/2025 0 min Watch online the France 24 English livestream: International News TV Channel 24/7 Get the latest live news from France 24 online on our website. Our TV channel is also available inFrench,SpanishandArabic. You can watch all ourVOD. ...
France 24 debate with Ramin PARHAM, Meir JAVEDANFAR,Borzou DARAGAHI and Raymond TANTERFrance English
English-speaking comedy takes on the French stand-up scene Culture The Debate 25/02/2023 One year on: How is Ukraine's resistance holding up? Europe 24/02/2023 One year on, Ukraine has defied expectations: 'Tomorrow is not a given, Freedom is not a given' ...
The political deliberations surrounding the potential ratification of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages (from January 2014 to October 2015) in France resulted in a national debate unheard of since 1999, providing new insight into the resistance towards promoting these languages in ...
Where the name itself comes from has also been the source of much debate. Oneenjoyable (but probably false) theory is that it originated fom the period of English rule over France’s Aquitaine region in the 15th century. The English wouldwalk into bakeries and ask for “chocolate in bread”...
French Film Provokes a Debate on Sexism, but Not in France ; with English Subtitles, Short Movie on Reversed Gender Roles Goes ViralAfter English subtitles were added, "Oppressed Majority," a shortmovie on reversed gender roles...Rubin, Alissa J...
"The French will vote for credibility. Everything that Benoit Hamon proposes without raising taxes is impossible," he said in the two-hour debate. Hamon shot back by saying "what I propose is not selling the dream, but I propose justice for those who yearn for work..." ...
"We will do everything we can to prevent this law from being passed," he told local media. As the debate in the lower house of the parliament seemed to be heated, trade unions are still a long way from a deal with the government over the planned reform. ...
The French Parliament has begun a debate that could see the country become the first in the world to enshrine abortion as a constitutional right. The proposal, first announced last year by President Emmanuel Macron on March 8, International Women's Day, and then reiterated as an aim for 2024...
Help! We're fed up of visitors staying too long at our home in France Comment: The last thing France needs is a debate on national identity Has skiing in France become more dangerous? Connexion readers respond See more