France emerged from World War II to face a series of new problems. After a short period of provisional government initially led by Gen. Charles de Gaulle, the Fourth Republic was set up by a new constitution and established as a parliamentary form of government controlled by a series of coal...
1922. 2pp. 0631 Report: How ihe French Government Now Procures and I rains Reserve Officers. January 15. 1921. 10pp. 0641 Report: British F'slimate ol French Ollensive Power. January 24. 1922. 2pp. 0643 Report: Comparative I-\penditures ol France and Great Britain for Military ...
2.8 Early to mid-20th century (1914–1946) 2.9 Contemporary period (1946–present) 3 Geography 3.1 Location and borders 3.2 Geology, topography and hydrography 3.3 Environment 3.4 Administrative divisions 3.4.1 Regions 3.4.2 Overseas territories and collectivities 4 Government and politics 4.1 ...
In history of publishing: Continental Europe postal system In postal system: Growth of the post as a government monopoly In postal system: France printing In typography: France constitution In constitution: Europe distribution of power In constitutional law: Other systems referendum and initiative In ...
went to help her mother,who was using X-ray facilities(设备)to help save the lives of wounded soldiers.Irene continued the work by developing X-ray facilities in military hospitals in France and Belgium.Her services were recognized in the form of a Military's Medal by the French government....
In 1850, he was sent by the French government to Corsica to study the island's flora. In 1853, he moved to Paris, later becoming director of the Jardin des Plantes and the Académie des Sciences. His books included L'Histoire Naturelle des Iles Canaries (1835–44), co-authore...
(ACCA) without the owner's consent (forced membership). At this scale, wildlife management strategies were set up (notion of hunting-management) by the departmental hunters' federations (created under Vichy government), giving hunters the freedom to organize hunting as they wished (Estève 2004; ...
In 1936, his factories, considered to be strategic, were nationalised by the French Front populaire government. After the Second World War, the Potez engineering department designed the Magister, a two-seat two engine trainer aircraft, which was a big success. Launched in 1952 and better known ...
At the 1951 Festival of Britain, a London neighborhood comprised a "Live Architecture" exhibition of modern flats that demon- strated the Labour government's commitment to bringing comfort to the masses. In 1959's famous "Kitchen Debate" between Soviet Premier Ni- kita Khrushchev and American ...
1-14. MAJOR, James Russel, Representative government in early modern France, New Haven, London 1980 (Studies presented to the International Commis- sion for the history of representative and parliamentary institutions, 63). MALETTKE, Klaus, La présentation du Saint Empire Germanique dans la Fran...