Sabrina Carpenterpaid homage to the flashy girl from Flushing while out in New York on Tuesday. The “Taste” singer wore what looked to be a replica of Fran Fine’s outfit from the pilot of “The Nanny,” a Lillie Rubin skirt suit featuring leopard print buttons and trim.Fran Drescherpla...
The Nanny‘s Fran Fine did more than transform childcare—she brought high fashion to network television.
Sabrina Carpenter stepped out in New York, wearing a leopard print fur straight from The Nanny star Fran Drescher’s wardrobe.
Drescher in character as Fran Fine in a promotional photo for "The Nanny", pictured with the show's other principcal cast members. From left: Drescher, Charles Shaughnessy (as Maxwell Sheffield), Daniel Davis (as Niles) and Lauren Lane (as C.C. Babcock). Seated in front. from left. ar...