framingham risk score equationFramingham Risk Score equation是一个广泛使用的工具,用于评估个人发展心血管疾病(如心脏病发作或中风)的风险。该模型于1998年由美国国家心肺血液研究所开发,基于Framingham心脏研究的数据。 和之前发表的函数相比,该模型使用危险分层代替连续变量,有助于医生采用更新附录进行危险评估。该模型...
This analysis excluded 779 patients because of a fatal CVD event or censoring before their chosen start time or missing risk factor data. Risk equation sensitivity and specificity were examined by comparing areas under the receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve using actual survival times where...
让我们通过一个简单的计算实例来说明The Framingham Equation方程的使用方法。假设一个患者的年龄为50岁,性别为女性,收缩压为140mmHg,非高密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平为40mg/dL,总胆固醇水平为200mg/dL。根据公式,我们可以进行如下计算: Risk = α + β1(50) + β2(1) + β3(200) + β4(40) + β5(140) +...
Calculations of Framingham cardiovascular risk score (FCVRS) and Suita score The FCVRS[10]and Suita score[11]were calculated to estimate 10-year cardiovascular risk using the following equation. The Framingham 10-year risk score (FCVRS) was calculated for each patient using the National Cholesterol...
FRS = Framingham Risk Score; PCE = Pooled Cohort Equation. a Mean calibration, also known as calibration-in-the-large, is estimated as the ratio of predicted to observed event rates. b Discordance is estimated as 100 × (predicted event rate – observed event rate) / observed event rates....
RiskFactor GenderAgeTotalCholesterolHDLSystolicBloodPressureTreatmentforHypertension{OnlyifSBP>120}CurrentSmokerTimeFrameforRiskEstimateYourRisk(Theriskscoreshownisderivedonthebasisofanequation.OtherNCEPmaterials,suchasATPIIIprintproducts,useapoint-basedsystemtocalculateariskscorethatapproximatestheequation-basedone.)U...
YourRisk(Theriskscoreshownisderivedonthebasisofanequation.Other NCEPmaterials,suchasATPIIIprintproducts,useapoint-basedsystemto calculateariskscorethatapproximatestheequation-basedone.) ThesefunctionsandprogramswerepreparedbyRalphB.D'Agostino,Sr.,Ph.D.andLisaM.Sullivan,Ph.D.,BostonUniversityandTheFramingham...
Three risk scores, including (1) newly pooled cohort equation of American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) to predict 10 years risk of first atherosclerotic cardiovascular hard event (ASCVD), (2) Framingham risk score (FRS) for the prediction of 10 years coronary heart...
The risk factors for stroke were evaluated using a series of laboratory tests and physical examinations, and the 10-year probability of stroke was determined by applying the Framingham stroke risk equation.The proportion of patients who had uncontrolled hypertension despite the use of antihypertensive ...
risk were compared with each other and a reference standard that had been calculated with the Framingham equation; calculations were based on a sample of patients' records, randomly selected from groups at risk of coronary heart disease.General practices in central England.18 general practitioners ...