我们打开/data/user/0/com.termux/files/home/,就可以看到有一个dex文件,留着备用。 Framework Patcher Go模块自动修改 从Framework Patcher GoGitHub链接(https://github.com/changhuapeng/FrameworkPatcherGO)上下载模块。 MT管理器打开zip,将classes.dex添加到zip中...
A Magisk/KernelSU/APatch module to modify framework.jar directly on the phone, to build a valid system-level certificate chain. - changhuapeng/FrameworkPatcherGO
ci client concurrencylimiter diff doc example federation federationexample graphql internal livesql logger merge reactive sqlgen thunderpb tools/listEntryNonNullablePatcher .gitignore .travis.yml CHANGELOG.md LICENSE README.md go.mod go.sum runfederationexample.sh ...
以上架构图以图形的方式表达了Input输入子系统中关键的五步,如下所示: 在放入队列前先稍加处理,主要针对System Key、Global Key、User Key事件,以及处理紧急事件(比如来电静音等)。 把InputReader线程中事件放入mInboundQueue中即可。 对于Global Key、Sysytem Key按键处理,放入mCommandQueue,依次处理。 对于User Key,...
SmaliPatcher for Android is a script that lets you apply Smali patches to the Android Framework without needing a PC. Read on to know more!
Note: If you receive a message about overwriting HUDMenu.swf, then you have an existing UI mod installed. To use both together, you can inject HUDFramework into the other mod using the HUDFramework auto-patcher. See the Compatibility section. ...
This mod is a Framework for adding shortcut icons that can be used instead of hotkeys or commands. Iconic Framework can be added directly from other mods, or they can be added outside the mod using a content pack for Content Patcher. Toolbar Icons is safe to add/remove at any time...
if I give him a config file, it changes the keys to DebugMode and GamePatcher but utters about an value "o" which is not allowed to be NULL. (It tries to use StardewModdingAPI.Config.UpdateConfig[T]() and ends up with an ArgumentNullException) Thaddel707, Oct 4, 2016 #5 En...
方向大于努力,选择方向总有个期限,过了期限还要再考虑方向问题,岂不是自增烦恼 « 上一篇 后端接口压测总结 下一篇 » 引用和评论 注册登录 获取验证码 新手机号将自动注册 登录 微信登录免密码登录密码登录 继续即代表同意《服务协议》和《隐私政策》...
Go to thepatchesfolder of your target device (e.g. bcm4339 for the Nexus 5):cd patches/bcm4339/6_37_34_43/nexmon/ Compile a patched firmware:make Generate a backup of your original firmware file:make backup-firmware Install the patched firmware on your smartphone:make install-firmware(make...