PipelineWise aims to reproduce the data from the source to an Analytics-Data-Store in as close to the original format as possible. Some minor load time transformations are supported but complex mapping and joins have to be done in the Analytics-Data-Store to extract meaning. Managed Schema ...
The call must be completely opaque to the low-trust code, meaning the low-trust code cannot control which environment variables are checked and cannot get the values of the environment variables. In order to do this successfully in a low-trust context, you will have ...
meaning of roles to change without affecting the system. Authenticated users can be assigned a more granular artifact for authorization—a claim. Claims can be assigned based on the authenticated user, as shown inFigure 1, or assigned based on the authenticated user's roles, as shown inFigure ...
Change notifications for Contacts in another location entail a few more steps. The process requires reciprocal trust, meaning you must choose to watch the Contact and that user must choose to allow you to watch him. So first you elect to watch the contact—by calling the Subscribe method on ...
[Editor's Update - 3/14/2005:The SerializationInfo.AssemblyName and SerializationInfo.FullTypeName properties have no useful meaning during deserialization. The BinaryFormatter sets these values to match the assembly name and type name of the type being deserialized into. As such,...
Beginning in .NET Framework 4.5, Empty<TResult>() always returns a cached internal instance IEnumerable<T>.Previously, Empty<TResult>() would cache an empty IEnumerable<T> at the time the API was called, meaning that in some conditions in which Empty<TResult>() was called rapidly and ...
This flamework uses Meterpreter to inject the server as a DLL, meaning VNC only exists within the exploited process; there are no signs of the server anywhere on the filesystem. The VNC server can be bound to a port on the targeted machine, or it can connect back to the machine running...
Methods of extension objects are processed as static method calls, meaning that if you have multiple objects with the same method name you are better off using different namespaces. Using extension objects is preferable to using embedded scripts for at least two reasons. First, extension objects pr...
Note that the version extracted is the version of the assembly in which the original serialized type resided.[Editor's Update - 3/14/2005: The SerializationInfo.AssemblyName and SerializationInfo.FullTypeName properties have no useful meaning during deserialization. The BinaryFormatter sets these values...
As I'm writing this, F# runs as an external tool inside of Visual Studio, meaning that some of the seamlessness that developers get with C# or Visual Basic is missing. F# also lacks ASP.NET page designer support, among other things. (This is not to say that F# ca...