In other words, if a thread calls Thread.Abort to abort another thread that is currently executing within a CER, the runtime will not abort the target thread until execution has left the CER. Second, the runtime will prepare CERs as soon as is possible to avoid out-of-memory c...
It takes the html value returned from the URL and applies the getWords function to it. I could have also written the definition to read: Copy let words = getWords html The two are identical. But the hrefs identifier shows off the power of the pipeline operator, in that you can ...
Note that using a batch file or other simple installation software will get an application onto the user's machine; however, you will need more sophisticated installation software in order to create shortcut links on the user's desktop, Start menu, and Quick Lau...
Dependency Injection in simple words, is a software design concept that allows a service to be injected in a way that is completely independent of any client consumption. Dependency Injection separates the creation of a client's dependencies from the client's behavior, which allows program designs...
First, what is Hebbian Theory? In simple words, neurons that fire together wire together. More precisely, let's see how it is explained on Wikipedia here:Hebbian theory Hebbian theory is a neuroscientific theory claiming that an increase in synaptic efficacy arises from a presynaptic cel...
My example will show you how to use these functions as composable functions with the support for TVFs in this CTP. To do this, I’ve taken a query from MSDN documentation for ContainsTable ( The query searches for all product names containing the words “breads,...
Microsoft has not yet released the schema, but looking at the output (which at the time of this writing is not well-formed XML as there are multiple root elements), you see that there's more interesting data than just simple strings in there. 0 3 0 8 TESTBOX Hello from the first ...
And, for this we need a framework which describes the architecture of an automobile objectively, crisply and in simple words. In fact, Ulrich (1995) has already put in place a comprehensive framework for product architecture. Let us have a brief look at this framework. Since he defines ...
do have default values. For example, a string userName is used to connect to the target system and this is a mandatory attribute. This has a default value of null. When userName is a mandatory attribute, ICF expects a value to be provided by Oracle Identity Manager. In other words, Oracl...
Automatic storytelling is a broad challenge in research contexts such as Natural Language Processing and Contend Based Image Analysis. Despite the consider